Lets go deeper...

I'm Gina — a Projector with a deep passion for astrology, human design, crystals, and energetics. With a Capricorn stellium in the 9th house, I am truly fascinated by the cosmic influences that shape our lives. I firmly believe in the power of unsubscribing from narratives that no longer define who you truly are. Instead, I encourage embracing the cosmic code of your soul, allowing yourself to become the driving force in embodying your authentic, aligned self.

As an Aquarius sun, Pisces moon, and Taurus rising, I have never really felt like I fit into the usual expectations. I have always had this sense of being different and wanting to figure out my true identity. So, you know what I did? I went straight to the New Age/Occult section at Chapters (now called Indigo) and dove into all those books, searching and yearning to understand who I really am. It has been my way of exploring and finding answers to my inner self.

Now, this isn't your typical "About Me" page. This is a "What would I tell myself" story...
So let's dive in.

What would I tell the girl in Chapters? I would tell her that in her 20s, she experienced deep relationships only to lose them. But in losing them, she discovered the silent loneliness of her soul and mind. She ventured into many "witchy" shops, feeling the calls and whispers of crystals, and purchased her first Tarot deck. She made her first investment in herself by enrolling in The Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. She worked tirelessly to prove herself to those who didn't value her enough. She pushed through burnout and shrugged off the scoffs when she shared about her Crystal Certification and online shop. She felt bitterness but pressed on. (Hello, Projector not-self and undefined ego.) She continued on her spiritual path and attuned to Reiki healing. Her friend circle became smaller, but those who remained respected and honored her wisdom.

In the midst of postpartum, she lost herself and missed the connection to her spiritual side. There was little to no time for crystals, healing sessions, or tarot readings. But like a phoenix from the ashes, she emerged stronger, confident, and determined. She released the notion that she had to remain the same and understood that her spirituality would morph, mold, and alchemize with each new chapter. Through motherhood, she reclaimed her power and discovered newfound confidence. She found solace in Human Design and Astrology, and suddenly, everything clicked like an ember in her soul waiting to ignite.

She understood that Human Design and Astrology are not identities to cling to, but rather tools and systems that allow us to connect with our inner calling and soul. They provide validation and enable us to embrace our shadows as guiding pivots toward wholeness. In these moments, she realized that her desire to guide and support others was woven into her cosmic makeup as a Projector. The bitterness she once felt became a beacon, urging her to align with her true self. She honored her precious wisdom, sharing it with those who invited and honored her. These individuals were truly ready and seeking the guidance she had to offer.

It was in this realization that she found spaciousness and success, not just within herself, but also in her relationships. She gained the ability to understand the energetic cosmic makeup of those around her and how they best navigated the world. It was here that she answered her soul's calling to be of service to those who had experienced similar feelings. Her mission became to support and guide others in finding wholeness, igniting the embers within them. Through her guidance, they could experience success, fulfillment, and alignment in every aspect of their lives.

Never without

Crystals + Summer Friday glosses

Currently Reading

Sarah J. Maas

probably listening to

Post Malone

current Drink order

London Fog

Human Design + Astro

              4/6 Projector
Sun: Aquarius  Moon: Pisces
              Rising: Taurus

And now I'm here to help you do the same.

we see the moon in phases but its always whole

 "The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It's always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it's a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human."
- Tahereh Mafi

A few things I beleive

The universe won't task you with things you aren't equipped to handle.

let's do this thing

Did We Just Become Soul Friends?

You've listened to the inner calling, listened to the gentle nudges and signs from the universe. Now, you find yourself here, ready to take the leap and embark on this journey with me.

Schedule here