Spirit by Design Coaching

I'm here to help you reignite your confidence and embrace your authenticity.
Spirit by design empowers you to navigate life's challenges and seize opportunities with clarity and confidence.

Through the deep exploration of astrology and human design we will align your actions with your core values and uncover the deeper meaning and purpose and unique strengths.

When you deeply know yourself you are able to show up and be visible with confidence and your unique authenticity signature!

This is all about you...
1-on-1 coaching because you are absolutely deserving of the spotlight.

Your voice deserves to be heard loud and clear, so that your goals and aspirations become your new reality filled with abundance and success.

By sitting with me (a Projector in Human Design), I possess the ability to truly listen to you and provide guidance. Our space together is sacred, where no idea is dismissed or scoffed at. Every single one of your ideas holds immense value, whether you're in your early twenties and just embarking on your journey, or if you feel stuck and trapped in stagnant energy. This space will honor the stage of life you find yourself in, recognizing and appreciating that as humans, we undergo cycles of growth and transformation.

Understanding where you are in this cycle will empower you to take the next step towards living a life in alignment with your true self.

Are you nodding along?

The details...

If you resonate with any of the following, then Spirit by Design is for you...

You are seeking a sacred space that nurtures personal growth, empowerment, and healing. Our transformative journey is tailored specifically to you, utilizing powerful tools such as Human Design (HD), Astrology, Dharma Coaching, and other systems.

Through the wisdom of HD and Astrology, you will gain a profound understanding of your true self and find confidence in your identity. Authenticity is at the core of this process. As you connect with your soul on an astrological level and embrace your unique Design in Human Design, your confidence naturally blossoms.

We believe that each of us is born with distinct personalities, strengths, and weaknesses. However, when we fully embody our authentic essence, we gain the ability to navigate life with unwavering confidence. This newfound liberation empowers you to thrive in various aspects of life, from the workplace to setting healthy boundaries, making bold life changes, defying societal norms, and living a life of freedom.

- You are eager to explore family dynamics through the lenses of Human Design and Astrology, in order to cultivate stronger connections and nurture relationships that feel aligned.

- You find yourself searching for answers about your self-identity, yet feel unsure where to turn. You've heard how Human Design and Astrology have greatly helped others in uncovering the missing pieces to who they truly are, leading to a life of ease, happiness, and alignment.

- You often wonder why you possess certain personality traits, your love language, and how you assert yourself. By delving into Astrology, you can gain insight into these areas and understand the various archetypes that have influenced your life thus far. Additionally, you're curious about how Human Design can support you in breaking free from societal conditioning and living a fulfilling life that truly resonates with you.

- If your desire is to provide your children with a more enriching childhood than you experienced, Spirit by Design can help you expand as a conscious parent. Human Design and Astrology serve as a blueprint for both you and your loved ones.

- You want to learn how to make decisions, big or small, in the most aligned way possible. Understanding your human design strategy and authority will guide you in this process. In the container of Spirit by Design, you will receive my undivided attention, providing you the support and empowerment necessary to harness the knowledge of Human Design and Astrology and integrate it into your daily life effectively.

- If you find yourself going through a spiritual awakening or a rebirth, and you are in need of supportive and nurturing guidance to navigate through this expansion, then I am here to help. Whether you are experiencing the ebbs and flows of your Saturn Return, finding yourself after postpartum, or going through the transition from one life cycle to the next, I am here to guide you through this next phase of your journey. Together, we will gently navigate through the changes and growth you are experiencing, providing the support and guidance you need along the way.

more details...

Spirit By Design is a sacred space that nurtures personal growth, empowerment, and healing. Through the powerful tools of HD, Astrology, Dharma Coaching, and other systems, we embark on a journey tailored specifically to you. By delving deep into the wisdom of HD and Astrology, you will gain a profound understanding of your true self and find confidence in your identity.

Authenticity is the cornerstone of this transformative process. As you connect with your soul on an astrological level and embrace your unique Design in Human Design, your confidence naturally blossoms. Each one of us is born with distinct personalities, strengths, and even weaknesses. However, when we fully embody our authentic essence, we gain the ability to navigate life with unwavering confidence.

This newfound liberation allows you to thrive in various aspects of life, whether it's in the workplace, setting healthy boundaries, making bold life changes, defying societal norms, or living a life of freedom. The power of living in alignment with your Human Design and Astrology is often underestimated and undervalued, but it holds the key to true fulfillment and understanding.

I am committed to guiding you through this profound journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and create a life that truly reflects your soul's purpose.

  • Length: This is a coaching container where you will have my 1-1 attention and Projector guide energy  for 6 calls over 3 months. 

  • You and I will connect for 1hr. This allows us to go over concepts that will be easily digestible for you to integrate. 

  • Where: Virtual: ZOOM 

  • During this time we will cover a vast array of topics that will be unique and customized to your desires and outcome. We will be working with but not limited to: Your Human Design, Astrology, Archetypes, Dharma Coaching. We will set the framework for our sessions on our first call, foundation work is everything when you're creating magick. 

  • At the end before grounding out will go over any questions you may have at the end of the call. You may also send in questions prior to the call

Investment $1128 (CAD)
**payment options available email to  inquire

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Is This Right For You?

You want to finally make time for your personal growth and embark on a transformative journey

You're overwhelmed by the challenges in your life and seeking guidance to navigate through them

You're longing to connect with your true essence and purpose, exploring the depths of your unique human design and astrology

You're tired of repeating the same patterns and ready to break free from limiting beliefs that hold you back

You're reading this because you want a soulful approach to coaching that combines human design, astrology, and dharma coaching to help you create a life aligned with your authentic self

Does this resonate?

Then Let's Do This.

You've listened to the inner calling, listened to the gentle nudges and signs from the universe. Now, you find yourself here, ready to take the leap and embark on this journey with me.

book here

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